Saturday, February 16, 2019

                                   The Autism Epidemic
It used to be that autism spectrum disorder (ASD) used to be rare. Over the years, the number of children experiencing ASD has
grown to where it’s now the equivalent of epidemic. The statistics support this statement because ASD is occurring in 1 out of 59 kids.
So, the question becomes for parents, therapists and educators - What to do with these kids? The answers have not been great.
There’s a new book out that is must reading if you have a child suffering with ASD, are a healthcare professional or an educator
attempting to work with these kids. The book is by Patricia S. Lemer and is called Outsmarting Autism: Build Healthy Foundations
for Communication. Socialization and Behavior at All Ages.
I heard Patricia speak several years ago at a conference I was attending and very impressed with the depth and breadth of her knowledge
 in the field. Her book is a user-friendly guide that covers everything from identifying autism, to treatment and prevention going from pre-conception
 through adulthood. Patricia describes more than 50 practical, proven approaches to this problem. She covers everything from lifestyle
modification to dietary considerations and immune system enhancements. She also focuses on what to do as the child’s health improves from
following the approaches covered in the book.

Patricia even has a chapter on the work that I do in the business arena called Brain Gym and how it’s also very helpful in this area. Finally, in this revised and updated version of the book she also includes new information on stem cells, cannabis and dentistry.
So…if you have someone in your life who has ASD, there’s now hope available so that you can really assisted them to live a much better life.
Just make sure that you get the new version, which has a yellow cover (Target has it for a discounted price).

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