Friday, March 1, 2019

Doctors Are Finally Catching On - Foods Can Heal

Doctors are finally realizing what I’ve been writing about for years that foods can be used as medicines to heal and even more importantly keep us healthy in the first place. As an example, the Geisinger Health System has established a Fresh Food Farmacy that provides healthy foods to patients and teaches them how to incorporate them into their daily diet. For one patient who had diabetes and had previously had a toe amputated has been on the program a year and a half. During that time period, he lost 60 pounds and other tests showed he moved out of the danger zone for patients with diabetes. The docs are finding that foods can have as much power to heal as drugs.

At Kaiser Permanente, some docs are handing out recipes instead of prescriptions to their patients. The insurance companies are finding that healthier patients result in fewer visits to the emergency room.  Congress has even gotten into the act by creating a bipartisan Food Is Medicine working group last year to explore how government sponsored food programs could address hunger and lower health care costs due to complications from chronic diseases. Maybe they can also look at the food served to patients in hospitals and nursing homes. A few years ago, studies were done that found that healthy people who entered a hospital for treatment left malnourished.

The Geisinger folks have found that their Fresh Food Farmacy lowered the risk of serious diabetes complications by 40% and cut hospitalizations by 70% compared to other diabetics in the area who did not have access to their program. These are pretty amazing figures for the impact of real food on our health.

So…the next area to explore to improve our health is getting Organic Food Standards away from being distorted and controlled by industry. As an example. these standards have been severely weakened so that even feedlot operators can label the meat from their cattle organic.
(Reported Time March 4, 2019)

You Can Watch My Webinar On My Switched-On Internet Marketing Program

We now have a video available of the webinar that I did about my Switched-On Internet Marketing Online Seminar. If you or someone you know is involved with Internet Marketing, you might want to watch this presentation yourself or forward it to them. 

I guarantee you'll get some really useful information from watching my presentation.

You will have to sign in to get access to the video. Go to

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