Saturday, December 22, 2012

Learn To Play A Piano with Technology Help

How would you like to learn how to play a piano while watching a TV show? Well, its looking like it can be done.
A computer scientist at Georgia Tech co-invented the Mobile Music Touch device. The person wears a fingerless glove that is connected via Bluetooth to a laptop or cell phone that plays a song.
The computer program converts the musical notes to vibrations and stimulates the fingers to move to hit the right keys in the right order.
Participants in the study were able to learn the first 45 notes of Amazing Grace in half an hour while studying. The students scored the same on their exam as the students who studied regularly.
The researcher even has used the device to help a people with spinal cord injuries that require repetitive motion therapy to regain movement. He wired up quadriplegics and found that the MMT boosted had sensation and agility.
The researcher thinks that MMT works because it stimulates nerves in the hand that causes the brain to devote more neurons to explaining the sensations.
(Reported Discover Dec, 2012)

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