Saturday, December 5, 2020

The Amazing Power of Our Gut

Scientists who have looked at our human genome have been surprised to discover that it is made up of only 25,000 genes.

Well, they’ve been even more surprised when they’ve looked at the microbes in our gut and found that they are composed of 3 million distinct genes! 

The surprises kept coming when they looked at what all these microbes were doing. They found that many of these bacterial genes were helping to build the molecules that let you digest food. Some of them keep harmful microbes from taking over your gut. There were microbes that even allow us to feel emotions.

Here’s an example of how our emotions are affected. First, you need to be aware that the bacteria in your gut produce about 90% of the serotonin in your body.  Second, you need to understand that serotonin is what lifts your moods and promotes well- being. The outcome is your moods are affected!

A Japanese study even found that 12 0f 29 participants with schizophrenia who took a specific Bifidobacterium strain saw their depression and anxiety symptoms lift within four weeks.

There are several things you can do to strengthen the bacteria in your gut. One is to eat more fermented foods like yogurt (so long as it says on the label that it’s made from live cultures), kefir, kombucha and sauerkraut. The bacteria in these substances seems to have an anti-depressant effect.  

Another thing you can do to up your mood is to take a probiotic supplement with L. helveticus, L. acidophilus and Bifidobacterium in it.

So…yogurt anyone?
(Reported Discover November 2020)

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