Saturday, November 21, 2020

Why I’m Concerned About Covid-19

 As most people know, Covid-19 has been deadly with over 250,000 Americans dying. 

My concern is actually not so much dying. It’s the possibility of becoming a “Long-Hauler”. Long Haulers are people who get the virus and might even have a mild case of it or even be asymptomatic, but they have a very long, slow recovery because they can have a number of symptoms that linger for month and months.

Let me give you some examples of what I’m talking about.

1. For 18.1% of people who get Covid -19, they are also diagnosed with anxiety disorders, insomnia and even dementia. This diagnosis can happen 14 to 90 days after they were first diagnosed with the virus.

2. 10% of Covid patients report fatigue, breathlessness, brain fog and chronic pain that can last for three weeks or longer.

3. The CDC data shows that the number of patients who continue to experience lingering health problems after they have recovered from Covid may be as high as 45%.

4. Many patients who had acute cases of Covid fit the diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome.

The good news, and yes there is good news in all of this, is that many of these Long Haulers do spontaneously recover, even though it’s a slow recovery.

So…the other good news is that you can protect yourself from getting Covid in the first place by making sure you’re maintaining a high level of Vitamin D in your system. The research has been showing that more than 80% of COVID-19 patients are Vitamin D deficient, and the evidence overwhelmingly supports) the idea that raising your Vitamin D level to around 65 ng/mL can go a long way toward preventing your getting the Coid-19 infection, reducing the severity if you do get it and lowering the risk of death while improving outcomes overall. I’ve previously published blogs talking about the power of Vitamin D so you can check those out.
(Reported, November 20, 2020)

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