Saturday, August 10, 2019

A New Way to Learn Subconsciously

There’s a new way to learn that could help you master complex manual skills without even trying. It’s called passive haptic learning and it combines using wearable computers coupled with your sense of touch. In this study the participants were playing online games while they wore a pair of Google Glasses that were programmed to deliver audio signals of words spelled out in Morse code. In addition, half the participant’s glasses were equipped with a built-in, bone-conduction transducer that simultaneous delivers taps behind the right ear. After each hour-long session, they were asked to tap out letters in Morse code. At the end of four session, they were asked to tap out a sentence that used the entire alphabet in Morse code.

The group that received only the audio signals were only about 47% accurate in typing out the sentence, while the group who received both the audio signal and the tap behind the ear had a 94% accuracy level. Similar results were achieved by participants that used tactile gloves which delivered vibrations to the fingertips to teach piano and Braille. So…we may be moving into a new way of learning – tap that!
(Reported Thad Starner, Georgia Institute of Technology) 

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