Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Keeping A Positive Attitude in the New Year!

There was a fellow who always had a positive attitude. Whatever happened in life he always felt he had two choices - You can choose to be a victim or you can choose to learn from it. You can choose to be in a bad mood or you can choose to be in a good mood.

One day, he was shot by robbers. As he was being wheeled into the hospital he knew he had two choices - he could choose to live or he could choose to die. He chose to live.

When he saw the faces on the doctors and nurses in the emergency room he read in their eyes "He's a dead man."

He knew he needed to do something, so when a nurse asked if he was allergic to anything, he said "Yes, bullets." As they laughed, he said "I am choosing to live. Operate on me as if I am alive, not dead."  He lived.

What choices are you going to make today? Are you going to choose the positive or are you going to choose the negative. Remember, it really is a choice we can all make.

Happy New Year!

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