Saturday, July 13, 2024

A Different Teplitz Blurb from What I Usually Send

You are probably not aware that about 8 months ago I joined the Masgutova Foundation as a member of their Board of Directors. For years I have known about them and the powerful work that they do using the concept of the body’s reflexes to make dramatic changes in how people function from very young babies and children to adults.

The work is basically mind blowing in its effectiveness (and I don’t say this lightly!).

The reason I’m writing to you about this is because July is National Disability Awareness Month, and the Board of Directors of the Foundation, which is a not-for-profit organization, has decided to launch a fundraising campaign to raise support and awareness of the powerful work the organization does helping babies, children and adults overcome their disabilities in very powerful ways. 

As a not-for-profit we need to raise money to keep us going and fund our projects.

The Foundation even has a Graduate School offering an MS Degree, and we are working to educate the world about why this method is so powerful and effective. The school is teaching the science of reflexes and the research that supports neurodevelopment while also instilling in the students their desire to do their own research.

To show you how powerful this work is, here’s a link to a video of a parent talking about how this work has affected her child’s life: 

I thought it would also be helpful for you to hear directly from the founder of this work - Dr. Svetlana Masgutova:

“The Masgutova Graduate School of NeuroDevelopmental Sciences (MSG) was created to help as many children and adults in need as possible - to help those who are experiencing neurophysiological deficits, developmental disorders, genetic disorders, learning difficulties, post-traumatic stress disorder, professional burnout, and more. 

In just a few short years, we have already created a globally unique educational and training platform for teaching current and future generations of professionals the science of Neurodevelopment using natural (non-pharmaceutical) methods for developing healthy growth using reflex patterns.

The future growth of MGS needs your support. This support will mean the further development of the Graduate School so that it can help people and families in need. We can also help people in sports, business, arts, as well as first responders, and those who have been affected by catastrophes and natural disasters. 

Our organization is one of “Thinking Globally,” “Acting for Real-life Situations,” “with the Most Human Individualized Approach.” Our Masgutova Method has a record of proven, highly effective results working with children and adults with extremely severe physical diagnoses along with survivors of traumas, wars, shootings, floods, wildfires, and other catastrophes. 

One example of the impact of this work occurred when our specialists traveled to help and support those affected by the wildfire in Maui. In one of the last visits, four specialists gave individual sessions to over 100 people and workshops for over 200 people who had suffered from the fires and who had lost family members and their homes.

Your support now will fund future projects such as the opening of the IRB Research Committee and the development of a Ph.D. degree. The Masgutova Foundation needs your help for the future to happen - now and for the development of future real-results-driven methods.

I invite you to make a difference for those who are in need of our help and support so they can have a future. Please donate to support our Masgutova Foundation and Graduate School so that “Together, Let’s Make Our World a Better Place.”

This is Jerry again. So, I’m doing something I’ve never done in my Blurb. If you’ve enjoyed reading the Blurb, then I would personally appreciate it if you would be willing to make a donation at DONATE | Masgutova Foundation

I’d also like you to consider going one step further by SPREADING THE WORD to your family, friends and business relationships about this powerful work! 

If you’d like to have more information about the organization, you can go to

To have information you can email to other in your network, you can go to

Thank you for allowing me to do something I’ve never done before and that’s to really ask you to not only make a donation, but to share this information with others.

If you have questions or would like to discuss more about what the organization does, please email me at

Next week, I’ll return with the breaking info that I send you about Health and Wellness.

Thanks in advance for your generosity, 

Jerry V. Teplitz, JD, PhD

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