Saturday, December 16, 2023

Embarking on a Fitness Adventure Before Surgery!

For readers of my Teplitz Blurbs, you're already in the loop about my
recent hernia surgery and how I meditated during the surgery, but today's
blurb isn't about my surgery per se; it's about a pre-surgery revelation
that turns out can  be a game-changer on the road to recovery.

Picture this: Something called High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
can lead the charge to reduce complications post-surgery. Now, before
you scoff at the idea of breaking a sweat right before going under the
knife, hear me out because this could be the secret sauce to a smoother

According to a story I read in the November/December issue of "What
Doctors Don't Tell You," complications after surgery are shockingly
common, affecting around 30% of patients. We're talking cardiac
issues, pneumonia, and troublesome bowel problems. 

For the more fragile among us, that percentage skyrockets to a
potentially life-threatening 50%.

But wait, enter HIIT, the unexpected hero of this story. Not sure
what it entails? Well, let me walk (or pedal) you through it. Imagine
a workout that involves walking or cycling at varying speeds, pushing
your limits for short bursts, and catching your breath in between.

For instance, in my HIIT routine, I kick things off with 60 seconds
of a leisurely stroll, then rev up to ¾ of my max speed for 30
seconds, push it even further to 7/8 speed for 20 seconds, and
finally, unleash my inner speed demon for a sprint at full tilt for
10 seconds. Rinse and repeat for 4 to 6 rounds.

And the beauty of it? You only need to do 2 or 3 sessions a week,
making it the perfect workout for the time-strapped among us. Trust
me, a little goes a long way with HIIT.

I have been doing HIIT for years, so I stumbled into the benefits of
doing HIIT before surgery.

So, let's get to the juicy part—why should you bother doing HIIT
before surgery? Drumroll, please. A study analyzed 12 other studies
involving 832 patients, all aged around 65, who indulged in HIIT for
4 to 6 weeks leading up to their surgeries. 

The results were nothing short of spectacular. HIIT not only boosted
heart health but also slashed the risk of post-operative complications
by a whopping 56%. 

And the cherry on top is it shaved three whole days off their hospital stay!

So…here's the pre-surgery plan: if you've got surgery on the horizon,
consider incorporating your preferred version of HIIT into your routine
4 to 6 weeks before you meet the knife. Happy HIIT-ing, and trust me,
your future post-surgery self will thank you for it!

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