Saturday, November 11, 2023

How To Lower Your Medical Bills - For Real

So, you just got your hospital bill and there are a bunch of charges that your insurance company doesn’t cover, or you may not have coverage at all and have to pay the whole bill. Is there something you can do to determine if all the codes and charges are justified and also potentially lower the amount you have to pay.

Well, there’s now a website that was created by a company that specializes in saving you money on these bills. It’s called and it’s having tremendous success in reducing people’s bills. 

Assuming they are able to save you money (and it could be lots of money), they’ll take 20% of the savings as payment for their service. For example, if the hospital bill was $5,000, and they got it down to $2,000, they would take 20% of what they saved you - $600). You’ve still saved a bundle that stayed in your pocket.

BTW, I have no connection with them, I just think it’s important to help protect yourself from overcharging since it’s almost impossible for a layperson to figure out a hospital bill! Check it out to see for yourself whether it’s a worthwhile service.

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