Saturday, October 21, 2023

A Powerful Healing Device With the Strange Name – Scrambler Therapy

There’s a new device out there that’s FDA approved which can eliminate chronic pain without side effects and it’s got a strange name! It’s called Scrambler Therapy, and it has nothing to do with scrambled eggs.

Chronic pain is a debilitating condition that affects millions of people around the world. Traditional pain management approaches often involve drugs that can cause all kinds of side effects including getting addicted to the drugs and with opioids can led to addiction and even death.  

Scrambler Therapy is really a new and innovative pain management technique that offers a promising alternative for those who have exhausted other options or an option that you can use right away.  

Research shows that the device can relieve pain in 80 to 90% of patients who have chronic pain. You read that right – 80 to 90%! 

So, how does it work?

Scrambler Therapy, also known as Calmare Therapy, is a non-invasive and drug-free pain management technique that was developed by Italian neuroscientist Dr. Giuseppe Marineo. The device works by overriding pain signals being sent to the brain.

Scrambler Therapy works on the principle of "teaching" the brain to perceive a non-painful sensation instead of the chronic pain signals. Let me explain how that works.

The device has electrode pads that are placed on the skin over the painful area. The device then sends electrical impulses to the nerves in the affected area. These impulses are designed to mimic non-painful sensations, like tingling or buzzing, which the brain is able to interpret as non-painful even though they are over the area that’s causing the pain.

Over a number of treatment sessions, these signals can effectively replace the chronic pain signals by reducing or eliminating the perception of pain.

Some of the benefits of Scrambler Therapy are that it’s non-invasive since the electrodes are attached to the skin over the pain area, it’s drug-free and its only side effect may be some skin irritation where the electrodes are attached.

Its success is amazingly high in successful treating everything from neuropathic pain, phantom limb pain, and pain resulting from conditions such as fibromyalgia, complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), and chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (that’s quite a list!)

Another benefit is that the treatments are customized to what the patient needs are, and the pain relief seems to be long-lasting, too!

While it has all these great benefits and its FDA approved, its not covered by most health insurance probably because it would definitely cut into the money drug companies make selling their products.

This is when you need to write the President, your Congress person and Senator demanding that this device be covered by all insurance programs…period!

So…instead of ordering scrambled eggs, you’ll be able to order scrambling your pain. (Reported in part Bottom Line Health, October 2023)

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