Saturday, May 30, 2020

Top Critical Care Specialists Being Ignored On COVID-19 Treatment

The recommendations for an extremely effective treatment for Covid-19 by a group of 5 critical care specialists, which includes several of the top experts in the world, are being ignored by medical groups, the government and drug companies. 

To put it simply, this is a breakthrough treatment for stopping COVID-19. 

The doctors have jointly treated over 100 patients with a 98% success rate. The only 2 that died didn't die from COVID-19. They died from other advanced medical conditions.

These experts have even testified before Congress about the effectiveness of their results with no one paying attention. The group includes Drs. Paul Marik, Umberto Meduri, Joseph Varon and José Iglesias (Check out their credentials).

The protocols that these doctors have developed call for using the following:

1. Intravenous methylprednisolone to suppress the immune system and prevent organ damage from cytokine storms. This is followed by oral prednisone.

2. Vitamin C to control inflammation and prevent the development of leaky blood vessels in the lungs. 

3. Subcutaneous heparin to thin the blood and prevent blood clots. It must be administered within six hours of admission into the hospital.

4. High-flow nasal oxygen to avoid mechanical ventilation, which itself damages the lungs and is associated with a mortality rate approaching nearly 90% in some centers. 

5. Optional additions include the use of thiamine, zinc and Vitamin D (which I've already written about in an earlier blog). 

Could it be that the drug companies are seeing dollar signs in front of them and don't want to find something that would stop the development of vaccines? It's clear to me that the rate of success that these doctors are experiencing would eliminate the need to develop a vaccine to solve the Covid-19 pandemic? 

So…this protocol would also be a much better option for President Trump to recommend than using bleach or drugs that can kill you!

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