Saturday, May 11, 2019

There’s a Whole Lot of Benefit from Drinking Whole Milk

Skim milk, low fat milk non-fat milk have all been the buzzwords for years and about how we should stay away from whole milk products because they’re harmful to your health. Well, that’s not true anymore. There have been a number of studies showing that whole milk products are the way to go. As an example, a recent study further supported this direction. This study found that whole milk products were associated with a longer life. The researchers looked at 130,000 adults from 21 countries and they found that those who ate two or more daily servings of whole-fat dairy had a 22% lower risk of heart disease and a 34% lower risk of stroke than those who ate less dairy.

So…when you go shopping, walk right by the sections in your supermarket that tout the reduction or the lack of fat in the product and head for the full fat section. As an extra plus, see if you can find products that are organic. Not only will you be healthier, the whole milk product will also taste better, too!
(Reported AARP The Magazine April/May 2019)

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