Saturday, March 23, 2019

Retiring Can Be Hazardous to Your Mind

A study published in the European Journal of Epidemiology looked at the brain function of people who were employed who then retired. They found that when these people retired, their verbal memory abilities – recalling information that they’ve heard, as well as, cognitive abilities deteriorated 38% faster than a matching group of people who continued to work.  This is not saying that you shouldn’t retire, but that you need to remain active doing things that use your mind so that the phrase“Use it or lose it” won’t affect your retirement.
(Reported Discover Magazine)

I was just interviewed on Facebook by Angel Rido. I talked about my Switched-On Selling and switched-On Start-Up Entrepreneur Seminars. He was blown away by the participation experience I did with him and his listeners. You can watch it at  



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