Saturday, March 19, 2022

Statins Don’t Really Stop Cardiovascular Disease and Heart Attacks

Before I start writing about Statins, I wanted to share with you what a subscriber to my blog had to say about it. 

This is from Brooke Pry:
“Thanks for your Teplitz Report Blurbs. I read every one. I have been a fan of yours forever following your visits to my former professional group, the Houston Association of Legal Administrators.” 

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Thanks, Brooke


                      Let’s look at STATINS’ STORY

I was recently in my doctor’s office for a yearly check-up, and he had a sign in the examination room that said only 50% of heart attacks occur in people with high cholesterol levels. To me this is a big oops. It means that there is not a direct relationship between heart attacks and cholesterol levels.

This then raises the question as to what are statins doing? So, the first thing is that statins are effective in lowering cholesterol levels; however, they are not reducing a patient’s level of cardiovascular disease and heart attacks. This is a second oops.

The Fourier trial was a major study on statins. If you dug deep into the statistics, as Dr. Michel de Lorgeril, who is with the French government’s National Centre for Scientific Research did, you’d find that 251 patients taking the statin Repatha died from heart disease and 240 who were given a placebo also died. In addition, the patients given the placebo had cholesterol levels that not fallen. So, while statins lowered cholesterol levels, they didn’t change the outcome in the patients. This is oops
number 3.

Robert DuBroff, University of New Mexico, analyzed the results from 35 clinical trials looking at 3 different cholesterol lowering drugs, including statins and PCSK9 inhibitors. What were the results? In more than 75% of the trials, those given these cholesterol lowering drugs didn’t live any longer than those on the placebo. Also, in half of the studies those taking the drugs still developed Cardiovascular Disease. This is oops number 4.

How about we go for oops number 5. The drugs trials, which were sponsored by the drug companies, have never released their underlying data for it to be independently analyzed by other scientists and they’ve never revealed the results of other studies that were never published.

The big buzz words today are “follow the science.” It’s hard to follow the science when the drug companies are hiding the data!

In addition, statins can have side effects, such as,


Difficulty sleeping.

Flushing of the skin.

Muscle aches, tenderness, or weakness (myalgia)



Nausea or vomiting.

Abdominal cramping or pain.

Also, there are real benefits that cholesterol has on our bodies which tend to get ignored. These benefits include: 

building the structure of cell membranes.

making hormones like estrogen, testosterone and adrenal hormones.

helping your metabolism work efficiently. For example, cholesterol is essential for your body to produce vitamin D.

producing bile acids, which help the body digest fat and absorb important nutrients

Finally, one study of 68,096 people 60 and older found the people who lived the longest also had the highest levels of LDL cholesterol. This high level of cholesterol was counteracting micro-organisms that cause fatal diseases, such as, cancer, respiratory problems and even heart disease. So…I would say that’s oops #6 for not taking statins and being obsessed with having low cholesterol levels! 

Do you remember the concept of 3 strikes and you’re out? Well, this is now 6 strikes which means statins are doubly out!
(Reported What Doctor’s Don’t Tell You, October 2020)

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