Saturday, April 20, 2024

The Nose Knows in Ways You Might Not Even Know

Our noses and sense of smell may be even more important than we’ve thought. The things we smell are carried from the nose to the brain by the olfactory nerve. This nerve is the only sensory nerve that goes directly to the brain’s limbic system which is where memories are made and stored.

In our modern society our sense of smell is underused and underdeveloped. Our sense of smell even diminishes rapidly after age 60.

A study published in the journal Neuroscience in 2023 found that exposing people to odors can dramatically improve memory. 

In this study the researcher exposed 43 men and women between the ages of 60 to 85 to 2 hours of aromas from different essential oils using a vaporizer while the people were sleeping. The control groups vaporizer was odorless. The study lasted 6 months.

Keep in mind that none of the people had memory problems or thinking difficulties. 

Here’s the amazing part. At the end of the study, the researchers found that the group that was experiencing the multiple odors improved their memory and cognitive skills by 226%. You read this right – two hundred and twenty-six percent!

Sense of smell is a strong predictor of age-related memory loss and dementia. It may also be the first sign of Parkinson’s disease. It’s also been linked to MS and even brain tumors.

Olfactory stimulation is now a part of the treatment for long COVID since loss of smell is part of the diagnosis for a person having long COVID. Recent reviews have found that using different smells is more effective than nasal sprays and oral steroids.

An added benefit of olfactory stimulations is significant improvements in sleep time and the quality of sleep. 

The key to success is using a variety of odors and the frequency of smelling them. There is at least one group of researchers that is working on developing a home essential oil diffuser that you can program to run for 2 hours and expose you to a variety of essential oil odors.

So…sniff, sniff, oh what a benefit it can be!
(Reported Bottom Line Health, April 2024)

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Unlocking the Power of Breath: Changing the Way Asthmatic’s Breathe

Asthma – it's like a dragon lurking in the shadows, ready to steal your breath away. For millions worldwide, this respiratory condition is not just a health concern, it's a daily battle since one in five children worldwide suffer from asthma. But what if there was a way to change this using the very air they breathe?

Enter Dr. Konstantin Buteyko, a pioneer in the realm of respiratory health. His groundbreaking research unveiled a simple truth: asthmatics often breathe too much, too fast, and through mouth gaping, chests heaving, they disrupt the delicate balance of blood gases. This leaves the asthmatic’s airways parched and inflamed. No wonder coughing fits and wheezing spells and needing an inhaler become the way they lead their lives.

Dr. Buteyko's discovery that changing the way you breathe isn't just a revelation; it's a revolution. By retraining the breath, he found a way to restore harmony within the body. Through specialized exercises, he teaches asthmatics to embrace the nose as their primary air gateway and to slow the rhythm of their breathing. The result? A profound reduction in asthma symptoms, often without the need for heavy medication.

In a world where inhalers reign supreme, Dr. Buteyko's method is the unsung hero. At least 19 clinical trials have reported on its effectiveness. It may even cut the reliance on steroid medications by 50%. Imagine that – a natural solution outshining its pharmaceutical counterparts.

Recent medical reviews have bolstered its reputation. While various breathing techniques offer relief for asthmatics, studies confirm that the Buteyko method has more benefits than others breathing techniques. This means it's not just about breathing; it's about breathing smarter.

Yet, despite its successes, the Buteyko Breathing Method remains unknown to the people who need it the most. Unlike its well-funded pharmaceutical rivals, it lacks the glitz and glamor and finances to run advertising campaigns. That’s why I’m writing about it today, to shine a light on this hidden gem.

So, as the world catches its breath, let's spread the word. Asthma doesn't have to be a lifelong battle – sometimes, the solution lies within us and we don’t even know it! 

You can get more information and materials at the Buteyko Clinic’s website at There is also an Association you can check out at

(Reported, April 2024)

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Energize Your Body: Understanding and Enhancing Your Electrical Charge

Let’s start with the reality that our bodies are electrical systems. The nervous system uses electrical currents to send messages throughout the body. The heart uses electrical currents to tell it when to pump blood. Even your cell membranes generate electrical currents.

So, what happens when this finely tuned system gets thrown off so that our cells are not being adequately charged with the correct number of electrons? 

That’s when illness strikes. If the voltage in a cell drops, the cell’s membrane will thicken which interferes with the cells ability to function normally. This means that oxygen and nutrients can’t get into the cell and waste products can’t get out. This leads to inflammation which can be followed by more severe illnesses.

This also means that almost all chronic illnesses, including cancer, have a cellular low voltage problem at their core!

This can lead to colds and flu and even cardiovascular disease!

Dr. Jerry Tennant is an expert in this field and has written a book Healing Is Voltage that you might want to check out. 

Think if you currently drive an Electric Vehicle how you have to recharge it so that it keeps working so you can get to your destination. 

If you don’t recharge your cellular batteries, you won’t get to where you want to be in life.

One of the ways of recharging your cells is exercise. Every time you move your muscles are generating electrons. 

Our muscles are actually stacked on top of each other in a particular order which is essentially forming a battery pack. The muscles are surrounded by a sheath called the fascia which is the equivalent of the body’s wiring system.

Every organ in the body has its own battery pack. With chronic illnesses, the power supply can no longer deliver the electrons that are needed to operate the system. When this happens, the organ’s level of oxygen drops which allows mold, fungus and parasites to take hold.

Another way to charge your cells is called grounding or earthing. With grounding, you’re putting your bare feet in the grass or sand. The earth then starts giving you electrons which charge your body.

You can also purchase a grounding mat to help boost your voltage, so you’re not weather dependent on doing grounding.

A modified keto diet will also help.

Finally, there are some devices that have been invented that can boost your voltage. You can Google them to learn more. They are:

The MEAD 100 system
Tennant Biomodulator Pro

Since medical docs, at this point, are not trained in understanding the electrical system in the body in this way, you’ll have to do your own exploration to get you up to voltage. So…you might even be shocked as to how well you can feel!
(Reported, March 2024)

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Adding Positivity in Your Life Through Awe

This is a word we don’t hear too often by itself. We’ll hear “That was awesome” but not just awe.

It turns out looking for awe in the world can be a powerful way to improve your health. This information comes from Dacher Keltner who has been studying awe for the last two decades. He’s a professor of psychology at the University of California, Berkeley.

He says awe is different than joy.

Keltner says when we are in awe it activates the vagus nerve which slows our heart rate and opens our bodies to things bigger than us.

One of the studies he did to discover the power of awe was to ask a group of people 75 years old and older to go on awe walk. This was simply to take a walk and find awe and wonder by simply pausing and noticing the world around us.

It could be a newly blossomed flower or a sunset. It could also be noticing someone’s kindness or generosity with other people. It could be listening to music, seeing art, contemplating big ideas during the awe walk.

The awe walk group did this for eight weeks and the members of the group experienced less pain and distress. It gave them a feeling of peace. They lost track of themselves as they focused outside themselves. For people in this age group, feeling less pain and distress and more peace is an important addition to their lives.

According to Keltner, when you are in the awe mode, the part of the brain that focuses on self quiets down. You stop thinking about myself, my time, my goals, or my checklist. This change of focus is diminishing your sense of self and increasing a tendency toward altruistic behavior.

These feelings of awe can also be triggered by recalling spiritual and religious experiences you’ve had.

So…once a day take some time to look around you or inside you to experience the awe that’s there and expect to be transformed! Now, that’s really AWESOME!
(Reported HUFFPOST, March 28, 2024)

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Unleashing the Remarkable Potential of Omega-3s

Prepare to dive into the extraordinary world of omega-3 fatty acids, where health and vitality converge on a mesmerizing scale. These tiny yet mighty compounds hold the key to a myriad of health benefits, revolutionizing our well-being in ways we never imagined.

Picture this: omega-3s act as silent guardians within our bodies, working tirelessly to safeguard our health on multiple fronts. Here's just a glimpse into their awe-inspiring influence:

1. They're the silent warriors against inflammation, battling to keep our bodies in harmonious balance.

2. Ever heard of blood clots? Omega-3s swoop in to thin the blood, preventing those pesky clots from causing harm.

3. Need to slow down? Omega-3s delicately adjust our heart rate, ensuring it beats to the rhythm of vitality.

4. But wait, there's more! They're the unsung heroes of brain function, enhancing the flexibility of our brain cell membranes for optimal cognitive performance.

Enter the stage, FORCE – a league of medical professionals from prestigious institutions, united under the banner of Fatty Acids Outcome Research Consortium. These trailblazers delve deep into the annals of health data, scrutinizing the effects of omega-3s on individuals participating in research studies spanning decades.

The findings? Prepare to be astonished. For those boasting the highest omega-3 levels, the benefits are nothing short of miraculous:

Stroke risk slashed by a staggering 22%.

Heart disease thwarted with a 6% reduction.

Type 2 diabetes fears diminished by 19%.

Chronic kidney disease retreats by 13%.

Even the specter of mortality fades, with a 15% decrease in the risk of death from any cause.

But hold on, what about the concerns of excessive bleeding? Fear not, for the FDA has spoken – even an omega-3 intake as high as 4 grams poses no increased risk of bleeding. In fact, those with higher omega-3 levels experience less bleeding during surgical procedures, defying conventional wisdom.

Yet, the saga of omega-3s doesn't end there. Recent studies propel their acclaim to dizzying heights:

1. Alzheimer's trembles in their wake, with a staggering 49% reduction in risk for those with elevated omega-3 levels.

2. Osteoarthritis sufferers find solace as knee pain recedes, stiffness dissipates, and everyday abilities soar.

3. Lung disease takes a backseat, with hospitalizations plummeting by 31% and deaths by 32%, accompanied by a 35% reduction in lung abnormalities.

4. Mental health finds its ally, as low omega-3 levels are linked to increased risks of depression, postpartum depression, and bipolar disorder.

5. Even the ominous specter of COVID bows before omega-3s, with infections dwindling by 21% and hospitalizations by 26% in the presence of high omega-3 levels.

6. And in the ultimate testament to their prowess, those basking in the glow of elevated omega-3 levels add an extra sparkle to life, living an average of 4.7 years longer than their counterparts.

So, how does one harness this fountain of vitality? Fear not, for the path to omega-3 enlightenment is within reach:

Indulge in the bounty of the sea with fatty fish like sardines, anchovies, salmon, and albacore tuna.

Alternatively, embrace the convenience of omega-3 supplements, ensuring a daily intake of 1,300 mg of EPA and DHA, propelling your blood levels to new heights.

Vegetarians need not despair, for supplements offer a tailored solution to elevate omega-3 levels without compromising principles.

And for the discerning individual seeking precision, why not embark on a journey of self-discovery with the Omega-3 Index blood test? For less than $50, the gateway to omega-3 enlightenment awaits. (I just ordered the kit for myself)

In conclusion, the saga of omega-3s is a testament to the wonders of nature, offering a gateway to longevity and vitality. So, seize the day, embrace the power of omega-3s, and unlock the extraordinary potential within. Your future self will thank you for it.
(Adapted from Bottom Line Health, February 2024)

Saturday, March 16, 2024

The Power of Fecal Transplants

This is a funny remedy to talk about in polite company. It’s using fecal transplants to stop a virulent bacteria infection that leads to inflammation of the colon and severe diarrhea. I call this the “poop solution.” 

This infection sickens up to a half a million Americans and kills nearly 30,000 each year. The thing that makes the condition so dangerous is that it tends to strike more than once as it comes back in 30% of the people who get it.

The way docs treat it is with antibiotics like Vancomycin and Dificid. 

There’s now a proven better way to stop C. diff infections and it’s using fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT). The research is showing that FMT has a better cure rate and a lower recurrence rate than antibiotics. This study was reported in the journal EClinicalMedicine.

Researchers at the University of Birmingham in the UK found that FMT is both more effective and less costly than antibiotics. 

The problem is not the treatment but that professional guidelines still recommend antibiotics as the first-line treatment for C. diff.

Also, don’t be concerned as the donor is screened for any health conditions that could be spread through the feces. The donor’s stool is emulsified, filtered and sometimes frozen to preserve healthy gut bacteria. 

While this study didn’t look at the effectiveness of oral capsules or enemas, they did compare having the FMT administered by colonoscopy or by a nasogastric tube. The researchers found that the nasogastric tube method was the least expensive treatment, and it was more effective than antibiotics.

So…if C. diff hits, you may have to educate your doc that there’s an alternative that’s better and cheaper than the usual use of antibiotics!
(Reported Bottom Line Health 2022)

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Experiencing Hospital-Acquired Illnesses: My Personal Journey

This is a personal story about my experience with hospital caused illnesses that just happened to me.

This story starts when I noticed I was having heart palpations. I went to my doc in the beginning of November 2023 and she had me wear a heart monitor for 15 days. 

The results did show that I had 40 episodes of heart palpitations and that I was only aware of 4 of them. The palpations tended to last less than 10 minutes whether I was aware of them or not.

I was in the process of scheduling an appointment with a Cardiologist when on December 21 I started having palpations and they didn’t want to stop. I went to the emergency room at Sentara Virginia Beach General Hospital. 

They decided to admit me and would run a stress test and other tests the next day.

It turns out that evening the hospital was overwhelmed with patients. They had double their normal capacity of patients. Patients and beds were everywhere. 

I wound up being put in a room that was usually a storage area which they sort of converted into a makeshift room for patients. There were 3 other patients in the room. The room was so cold, I kept my clothes on and was covered with 3 blankets. I even had my winter coat over the top of everything.

Several of the other patients in the room had sleep apnea and were snoring on and off during the night. We were all wired up to monitors that kept beeping and ringing all night long. 

I barely slept that night.

The next day, while I was waiting to start taking the tests, I was bored so I was walking around the entire emergency room department to get some exercise. 

After the stress test, when I saw the Cardiologist the next day, he said my heart was “pristine.” I don’t think you can get better than that.

It took another day for me to be discharged.

A few days later, I went to an Electro Cardiologist, and he said I had some frayed wires, and it was not life threatening. He said I could live with it or have a procedure done if I wanted to stop the palpitations. He also said that my heart was in great shape. 

Now we fast forward to February 5, 2024. I had a fever for 3 days. I went to the Emergency Room, and I was admitted as they found that I had pneumonia, flu, and liquid in my left lung.

I was put in isolation, and they began treatments with lots of antibiotic IVs and pills. They also drained a half liter of fluid out of the left lung.

I was discharged 5 days later. 

On February 12, I had heart palpations again that won’t stop, so I went back to the emergency room where they were able to stop the palpations. (later, I found out from my Electro Cardiologist that my heart was so strong that I could experience palpations for days without experiencing any damage to my heart. I didn’t know this at this time).

The docs also found that I still had pneumonia, flu, and I still had more liquid in my left lung.

After 8 days, I was released again and needed to do 3 weeks of at home antibiotic IVs every 6 hours, day and night, which I will be finishing this coming Tuesday – what fun.

Now the point of all of this is how and where did I get exposed to pneumonia and the flu since up until this point, all the blood tests my regular doc had been taking have been perfect with everything in the normal range. 

I also don’t have contact with a lot of people as I have my office in my home. We have friends we get together with on weekends and no one has reported any kinds of illnesses like this.

My answer is when I was in the hospital the first time for the palpations, I must have been exposed to all these things when I was in the emergency room and was not aware of it. I assume my body attempted to fight this off between the time of my exposure in December and the first hospital visit in February. 

So…my bottom line is if you have to go to the hospital be careful who you are exposed to when you are there as you don’t know who has what!