Saturday, August 1, 2020

A Unique Way to Stop Trauma

With everything going or not going on in our lives because of COVID-19, more people may be experiencing more traumatic feelings than they normally would. There’s a unique way to stop the trauma that was reported in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry on a program called The Transformation. The researchers found that the process was able to substantially lessen PTSD symptoms in Serbian war survivors.

In this approach, the researchers are using your body to get rid of the trauma. Here’s what you have to do. What you need to do is vigorously shake your whole body for 5 minutes. When you’re done shaking, stop and notice the stillness for three minutes This would be similar to doing a Mindfulness Meditation. 

Next, you need to dance to your favorite music. Do that for 5 minutes.

On the shaking the body vigorously and then stopping, this is similar to a technique I learned years ago in a class on Traeger Psycho-Physical Integration.  At the time, I actually became a Certified Practitioner.

The new elements that this approach adds is the how long you are doing each set of the process and of using music.

You can also use this approach when you are really tense and need to relax. So…just remember to shake, stop, and dance away! I told you this was going to be ‘unique’.
(Reported Prevention, July 2020)

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