Saturday, August 8, 2020

A Potentially Powerful New Way to Test for Alzheimer’s Disease

 The eyes may have it (and I’m not talking about voting). Your eyes may be the way to test if someone has Alzheimer’s disease.

Instead of diagnosing Alzheimer’s when symptoms such as memory loss or behavioral changes occur, doctors may be able to do an early diagnosis by looking into your eyes.

Researchers at Duke University and reported in the journal Ophthalmology Retina have found that they can use eye scans to compare the eyes of Alzheimer’s patients with the eyes of healthy people. 

What they have found is the eyes of Alzheimer’s patients have less dense retinal blood vessels and other retinal changes. Since the eyes are an extension of the brain, they can reveal what’s going on in the brain. 

This means diagnosing Alzheimer’s earlier would mean patients could be identified for clinical trials sooner and existing treatments could be started sooner.

So…the expression “I looked deeply into their eyes” may soon take on a whole new meaning!

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