Saturday, October 15, 2022

Tylenol Type Products Can Be Dangerous To Infants, Babies And Fetuses

 An ingredient in Tylenol and other products for relieving and reducing fever is called acetaminophen. 

It has been approved for use by infants and children. This application is now being called into question.

While acetaminophen taken in excess can cause liver damage in adults, it hasn’t been clear what the damage is that may occur to children, infants and fetuses. It turns out scientists have been looking in the wrong place. It’s not the stomach and liver that are affected. In children, infants and fetuses, it’s seems to be the brain that is impacted. 

A summary of the recent research in the Townsend Letter by Jule Kotter pointed to the impact on the brain and neurodevelopment. As an example, one study found that children with autism were far more likely to have received acetaminophen after the measles-mumps-rubella vaccination than healthy control children.

In fetuses, they looked at 14 studies involving pregnant women and found that acetaminophen negatively affected the fetus neurodevelopment by causing developmental delays, adhd and autism.

In studies with young pups the researchers found that even a couple of doses of acetaminophen eliminated the pup’s ability to run a maze and produced asocial behavior later in life. In human adults, it temporarily blunts social trust and awareness, the ability to identify errors and emotionally respond to external stimuli.

One of the researchers said that if this drug were introduced today, the drug would not meet current safety standards due to adverse, long term neurological effects in laboratory animals. The researchers said that it would have never made it out of phase 1 testing.

Ibuprofen doesn’t seem to be associated with autism. So, remember your mother teaching you to be careful what you put in your mouth, she was right!

(Reported Townsend Letter, October 2022)

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