Saturday, October 29, 2022

Living Longer and Staying Healthier- Another Piece to the Puzzle

Before I get into today’s blurb, I wanted to share the feedback I received from Ann Adams on the impact of my live program. 

Ann heard me speak at a Century Conference a number of years ago and this is what she recently emailed me: “I had the good fortune to listen to you at a Century 21 meeting a few years ago in Myrtle Beach. It was earth shaking!!!!”  (She put in all the exclamation points, I didn’t).

If you know of a group or organization that uses speakers virtually or live, please let me know and I’ll be glad to contact them. Thanks! (This is me adding an exclamation point!).

So, now for today’s blurb.

If you attended one of my live programs where I demonstrated the muscle checking concept, you probably heard me talking about the research on Positive vs. Negative thinking.

Well, there’s a new piece to the puzzle and that’s how your spiritual and religious beliefs can keep you healthy and living longer, too!

This was from a study by Harvard University and Brigham and Women’s Hospital which was published this year in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

What the researchers did is review around 600 studies to discover what they called the profound impact that spiritual beliefs have on our health and well-being.

The researchers found that people with religious and spiritual beliefs lived longer and were less likely to suffer from depression and become suicidal.

They even found if someone does become ill that the spiritual/religious belief person would have a less severe illness and they would recover quicker when compared to a person with no religious beliefs.

This improvement can be found for people whether they are active within an organized religion or following a more personal spiritual path.

So…whether you go to Church, Temple or Mosque or follow your own path, you’re helping yourself live longer!

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