Saturday, October 1, 2022

A Problem Can Occur After Surgeries

So, you are going through a major surgery, and you are going to be sedated. Afterwards you’re told the surgery was successful, which is great news; however, there could be a problem with your mind. As a matter of fact, 67% of older adults can experience what is called postoperative delirium (PD) which is having sudden and severe confusion.

PD, if it continues, has also been linked to an increase in mortality, cognitive decline and difficulty returning to the previous activities you were doing during the year after the surgery took place.

Fortunately, there are things you can do about this. Researchers from Albert Einstein College of Medicine report in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society that people who exercised the most cut their risk of PD by a whopping 74%.

The researchers did a study with 132 adults over age 60 who were undergoing elective orthopedic surgery. They asked them how many days in the month prior to the surgery did they exercise? Twenty-five percent said that they exercised doing a variety of things five or six days a week while 31% reported exercising seven days a week. 

The people who exercised the most had a 74% lower chance of experiencing PD, while 25% of the people who had the surgery experienced PD.

The researchers also found out that if people read regularly, did crossword puzzles, knitted, played games used e-mail, sang wrote or participated in group meetings this reduced their risk of PD even more to an even more whopping 81%!

To get the benefits, you didn’t have to do both exercising and these other activities. Just one or the other was fine.

A couple of years ago I had hip replacement surgery and besides exercising 6 or 7 days a week I did several unique things on the day of the surgery. We arrived around 6 am and I didn’t go into surgery until around 10 am. What I did during that time were two things: 1. I meditated almost constantly and 2.  I listened to a subliminal recording by Stephen Halpern called Self-Healing. It has healing messages on a track that are sub-auditory. The messages are there but you can’t hear them at a conscious level.

The surgeon was also okay with me listening to the music during the surgery with ear buds, in the recovery room after surgery and back in the hospital room.

After the surgery, I had almost no pain and by 4 pm I easily walked 50 feet down the hallway and up and down 3 stairs, so we left the hospital. I didn’t use opioids for pain. I just used some Tylenol and Ibuprofen for a couple of days even though I had almost no pain. I was taking it just in case! My wife Elizabeth, who does Homeopathy also gave me some remedies to take.

My recovery was spectacular. As the end of the first 2 weeks, the home health care people were blown away by my recovery.

So, I would recommend anyone having surgery who is over 60 to take seriously these ways to avoid getting hit with PD. This is where the old proverb of “Better Safe Than Sorry” really fits! 

If you’re interested in knowing about all of Stephen Halpern’s subliminal recording, you can go to my website at and go to the Products dropdown menu.
(Reported Bottom Line Health, September 2022) 

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